The main area of my research involves real-time performance with electronic music. I am a major contributor to the open-source software project SuperCollider and use the language as one of my primary tools in my compositions. My work for music with live electronics and the research that goes into the development of the SuperCollider language has been presented throughout the United States and Europe. I am also a contributor to 'The SuperCollider Book', released by MIT Press in April, 2011.
In addition to expanding the real-time possibilities of computer music performance, I also focus a lot of attention on developing new interfaces for real-time interaction with composer Richard Karpen and his work, including the use of sensors and touch controllers. Along with Joe Anderson, Juan Pampin I have taken part in creating the 'Ambisonic Tool Kit' for sound spatialization, and have worked with Juan Pampin on development of extensions to his ATS system for sound analysis and resynthesis. I have also greatly expanded the library of FFT based algorithms available in the SuperCollider language. Currently, I teach computer music and hold the position of Research Artist and the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS) at the University of Washington, Seattle.
In addition to expanding the real-time possibilities of computer music performance, I also focus a lot of attention on developing new interfaces for real-time interaction with composer Richard Karpen and his work, including the use of sensors and touch controllers. Along with Joe Anderson, Juan Pampin I have taken part in creating the 'Ambisonic Tool Kit' for sound spatialization, and have worked with Juan Pampin on development of extensions to his ATS system for sound analysis and resynthesis. I have also greatly expanded the library of FFT based algorithms available in the SuperCollider language. Currently, I teach computer music and hold the position of Research Artist and the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS) at the University of Washington, Seattle.